Nivea Post Shave Balm Review 


I’m soooo sorry that I’ve been gone so long 😭 I had the most horrible exam period but it’s FINALLY over!  I’m back in uni on Monday for my final ever semester 😱 time flies! 

Anyway. How are you all?! ❤️

Today, I wanted to give you all my opinion on the Nivea Post Shave Balm in sensitive as a primer!  I’ve been hearing sooo many awesome things about it so just had to pick it up (felt a bit awkward venturing into the men’s aisle 😂)!   NikkieTutorials on youtube first blessed us with this hack.  Let’s see if it lives up to the hype… 

nivea post shave balm

I purchased the balm in sensitive because my skin freaks out sometimes when I put something new on it.

I’m not really sure about the science behind why this works as a primer but I know it contains a large amount of glycerin which helps your foundation latch onto it!  

Now, you all know I have.. Probably the oiliest skin to ever grace mankind 😂 so I was quite skeptical about this working on me, but for the cheap price I was willing to give it a shot.

The consistency of this is more like a really lightweight moisturiser than a balm.  One thing I don’t like about the packaging is I find it difficult to control how much comes out but hey! Can’t win them all! 


I apply this after my moisturiser (I don’t know if I’m meant to though?!?! Does it affect how it works?! Someone let me know!).  I rub about a pea sized amount in my hand (a small amount is PLENTY) and apply all over my face.  This does have quite a manly smell of aftershave but this disappears after a few seconds.  It also gets a little tacky so your foundation or concealer really clings onto it.

After I’ve applied it to my face, I take my foundation or concealer and apply as normal.  Does it work? YES!

My skin after a long day looks way less oily than without this balm.  Being as oily as I am, I was bound to get a little shiny but honestly this has made a visible difference, especially on my nose and forehead!  My foundation looked pretty much intact, whereas normally it would be sliding off my face and just generally look like a million ice bergs. Ha!

ALSO, I don’t know whether it’s the new mask I’m using or this balm, but my skin looks a lot more even and my scars are decreasing!  I’ll investigate and let you know 😉

The only downside to this is the lack of control I have when dispensing product but with the amount of product in this, I don’t think I’m running out any time soon!  

I just hope drugstores don’t hike the price of this baby up!  Everybody go stockpile some 😂

I would recommend this for all skintypes!  It’s a solid primer and I’m glad I don’t need to spend £££ on other high end primers!


Hope you found this little review helpful! Can’t wait to get back into a blogging routine again!  Any questions please let me know!

Have a nice day!

ibeautytalk ❤️

39 thoughts on “Nivea Post Shave Balm Review 

  1. shayfabs says:

    Great review! I had no idea this works as a primer and all else so well. I have combination skin which is very sensitive due to Rosacea. I like that this is for sensitive skin. I’ll definitely give this a try! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. No Size Two says:

    Great post, definitely going to try it out. Sometimes primers I use feel so heavy and not if they are really being absorbed. I am so glad you are back!! Was checking every couple of days if you didn’t do a post and if I didn’t miss it. Looking forward to all your tutorials and hope it went well with the exams ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • ibeautytalk says:

      Thankyou so much! Yes I know what you mean when you say they feel heavy (even those meant for oilier skins! Its awful!). Hopefully this one will work out for you 😃 awww you’re so sweet! Exams went fine thanks for asking! I’m just glad they’re over and thankful I can start blogging again ❤️ xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Allie V says:

    I’ve been usmg this non-stop for 2 nonths now and I’m still trying to make up my mind about it. I’ve done the half face test like 5 times but I always forget to check on it haha

    Freaking loving your blog, you write how I talk hahaha

    Liked by 1 person

    • ibeautytalk says:

      Awww haha! Would you say it’s made even a slight difference to your foundations lasting power? Because I have extremely oily skin and even though this doesn’t stop all oil production, its the only ‘primer’ where I’ve noticed a noticeable difference 😊
      Thanks so much honey love your blog too! And I write how I talk myself too haha!! 😂 xxx


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